Interviewing, at its best, can be a nerve-wracking experience. Preparation can be key in quieting the feelings of self-doubt, anticipation and worry leading up to the interview. 

The following is a compilation of articles and videos that detail how to prepare for a job interview, how to present yourself in an interview, questions to ask the interviewer, tips for conducting yourself in the interview and following up post-interview. 

In-Person Interviews

Preparing for an in-person interview at the business or an off-site location, such as a coffee shop? Learn how to prepare and gain tips for how to best conduct yourself during the interview.

1. Article: Etiquette for a Lunch Interview” - The Washington Post

Whether your interview is a scheduled lunch or a meeting for coffee, this article details some things to keep in mind.

2. Article: 7 Tips for Preparing for an In-Person Job Interview” - Lifesavvy

Discover seven tips to learn more about the role you want and the company you’re interviewing with and other helpful preparation advice. 

3. Video: How to Prepare for an In-Person Job Interview (4 Things You Must Do)” - Self Made Millennial

The video covers ten of the most asked job Q&As and other helpful tips for in-person interviews.

4. Video:What to Bring With You to an Interview” - Cass Thompson Career Advice

Learn what to bring for an interview and things you shouldn’t tote along. 

Video and Remote Interviews

Interviews conducted via common web conferencing tools can require some setup and consideration to get right. There are also video conferencing etiquette guidelines you may want to learn. It can be helpful to practice using the tools beforehand if you’re unfamiliar with it. During this practice session, you can check your background, as well as the distance and position you’ll be in within the screen.  

5. Article: Video Interview Guide: Tips for a Successful Job Interview” - Indeed

This article details tips for in-office and remote video interviews, and live vs pre-recorded video interviews. It also contains an on-page related video “How to Ace Your Virtual Interview.”  

6. Article:3 Things You Should Never Do During a Video Interview” - FlexJobs

There are some specific things to know about video interviews—before you're on camera. This article shares three things you should never do during a video interview

7. Video:How To Ace Your Job Interview Over Zoom” - Forbes

This video contains 10 tips for making an initial great impression. Learn how to effectively interview for a position using an online platform, such as Zoom and others.

8. Video:How to Cheat in a Virtual Job Interview” - Cass Thompson Career Advice

In this provocatively titled video, Thompson offers tips that don’t involve cheating as much as knowing how to turn a video interview to your advantage.

How to Ace a Phone Interview

How you answer the phone for a scheduled interview creates a first impression. Learn simple tips for professional ways to answer a phone interview call and what to do and not do during the call.

9. Article:Phone Interview Rule #1: Don’t Say Hello” - LinkedIn

Learn simple tips for professional ways to answer a phone interview call from seasoned interviewer, Marius van Staden, who writes that “over the past 15 years for multiple organizations, I estimate that 75% of all candidates I have interviewed over the phone initiate that potentially life-changing career phone call just like a personal call from a friend.”

10. Article:Phone Interview Tips That Will Help You Get Hired” - The Balance Careers

A phone call is typically the first step in the interview process. A phone interview helps the company representative or recruiter determine your interest and fit for a particular position. Learn what to know before you answer the call.

11. Video:Phone Interview Questions and Answers Examples: How to Prepare for Phone Interviews” - Self Made Millennial

Learn what to expect in a job phone interview and how to prepare.

12. Video:Best Phone Interview Tips: How To Pass a Phone Interview With a Recruiter” - Don Georgevich

This video offers answers for job pre-qualification questions company recruiters typically ask when they call.  

How to Prep for Panel Interviews

A panel interview is an interview in which two or more people interview you at the same time. These are opportunities to showcase how well you perform in a group setting. 

These interviews typically occur in two types of ways:

  1. You are interviewed at one time by a group of interviewers (typical)
  2. You are interviewed separately by each interviewer in succession (atypical)

While interview type 1 may seem more intimidating, it can actually provide you with a better interview experience than type 2.    

Multiple Interviewers, One at a Time

Consider the example of an interviewee, Tyler. Each of seven company decision makers took turns individually interviewing him alone in a large company conference room. As one finished and left the room, another entered, interviewed him and left, followed by the next one, and so forth. 

By the time the fourth interviewer got her turn to interview Tyler, he felt like he was losing steam and repeating himself over and over again. By interview number seven with the hiring manager, he was completely drained. He wasn’t offered the position, which may have been partially due to the panel interview format the company chose. 

Alternatively, when you are interviewed by a panel of interviewers all in the same room with you, the chances of being asked the same questions over and over again are slim to none.

Following are some resources to learn more about how to conduct yourself in a panel interview.

13.   Article:How To Succeed in a Panel Interview: Tips and Questions” - Indeed Editorial Team

This article covers four tips for a successful panel interview and other helpful interviewing information. 

14. Article:9 Things to Never Do in a Panel Interview” - Glassdoor

This article contains straight-forward tips for handling typical panel interviews.

15. Video:Top 7 Panel Interview Questions and Answers! (Pass Guaranteed)” - CareerVidz

Learn answers to panel interview questions frequently used by employers for any job role.

16. Video:How to Do a Presentation (or Panel Interview)” - Linda Raynier

Learn top strategies for structuring how you conduct yourself in a panel interview or presentation to project confidence.

How to Greet an Interviewer and Interview Closing Statements

Of course, you’ve heard that first impressions count. But do you know the key points of making a good first impression in an interview situation? Valedictions and closing statements you make at the end of an interview are also important. Following are a selection of resources that may help you get both right.

17. Article: 10 Strong Closing Statements for Interviews (With Examples)” - Indeed

18. Article:How to Greet In an Interview (With Examples and Tips)” - Indeed Editorial Team

Article and video containing examples for how to properly greet interviewers in different situations. 

19. Video:How To Introduce Yourself In an Interview! (the Best Answer)” - CareerVidz

Learn tips for introducing yourself in an interview and why the first three seconds of an introduction are most important.

Business Interview Questions: How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” and More

Following are resources for how to present yourself in an interview, which includes how well you can answer the interviewer’s questions. 

20. Article:23 of the Best Things To Say During a Job Interview” - Indeed Editorial Team

Article and on-page video about how to make a job interview flow like a comfortable conversation and tips for what to say during and at the interview’s conclusion.

21. Article: 38 Smart Questions to Ask in a Job Interview” - HBR

This article discusses questions to ask during an interview and how to answer the question: “So, do you have any questions for me?”

22. Video:How To Answer: Tell Me About Yourself” - Interview Coach Pamela Skillings

A top interview coach details how to expertly answer the common interview question: “Tell me about yourself.”

23. Video:Why Should We Hire You?: Best Answer (from former CEO)- The Companies Expert

This video details common interview questions, including: “Why should we hire you?,” “Why do you want this job?” and more.

24. Video: Questions To Ask at the End of an Interview” - Career Interview Tips

It’s good to be prepared with at least one question before the interview occurs. This video offers tips for how to formulate questions for the interviewer and appear engaged. 

Job Interview Assessment Tests and Assignments

Answering and asking the right questions in an interview may only be part of the interview process. In some situations, you may be asked to complete a pop assignment relative to the position to which you are applying. 

Some companies may also ask you to complete a task prior to an interview. This allows the company to partially assess your suitability for a role. Interview assignments and tasks can be nerve wracking. It can be helpful to remember that you don’t want the struggle of landing a job for which you’re unqualified. 

25. Article: 17 Do’s and don’ts of Job Interview Assignments (With Examples)” - Indeed Editorial Team

This article details how to complete requested interview tasks without becoming unwound, unreasonable interview assignment tasks, and more. 

26. Article:How to Tackle Those Additional Interview Tasks” - Webrecruit

This article covers how to present interview assignments, including slides you’ve prepared, common types of assignments, how and why companies use assignments, and more.

27. Video:Aptitude Test Questions and Answers!” - CareerVidz

This article covers typical testing formats, testing questions, what to expect in a timed test, and more.

28. Video:Aren’t Job Interview Assignments Unpaid Labor? Let Employers Stop Giving Work Assignments for Hiring” - World 2.0

This unconventional video covers how to prevent being used as free labor when you’re trying to get a job, whether you can refuse an assignment and how to recognize when you’re being taken advantage of when you’re given an assignment to perform in the interview process.

Knowing How You Fared in the Interview

It’s been said that you usually have a good idea about the result of an interview immediately after it and whether a company is interested in hiring you. Following are some resources that can help you determine whether or not you’re likely to get a job offer post-interview. 

29. Article: 15 Signs Your Interview Went Well (or Badly) - CareerSidekick

From the interviewer’s body language to if the prospective employer mentions post-interview steps, the article details what to watch for to know whether you interviewed well.

30. Article:6 Signs of a Bad Interview That Mean You Didn’t Get the Job” - TopCV

Learn the common signs that indicate you may not get an offer based on an interview you had, along with encouragement to keep applying for other roles.

31. Video:What Are Some Good Signs You Got the Job?: 7 Signs Your Interview Went Well” - A Life After Layoff

This video details some common signs to look for to determine whether or not you interviewed well for a role.

32. Video: Does Your Gut Indicate Whether You Passed the Job Interview? (With Former CEO)” - The Companies Expert

If you think you did well in an interview, does that mean you passed? In this video, learn how to express gratitude for an interview, as well as the right time and way to follow up.

Post-Interview Tips

You aced the interview, now what? Is thanking each interviewer always a must? Learn answers to these common questions and more about the post-interview process.

33. Article:5 Things You Must Do After a Job Interview” - Forbes

Learn simple actions you can take following a job interview.

34. Article: Post-Interview Etiquette: Tips for Following Up” - The Balance Careers

This article covers rules to follow after an interview in which you believe you did well, how to follow up and things not to do that might change the good impression you left.

35. Video:Job Interview Follow Up: 4 Key Tips” - Linda Raynier

Learn how to write post-interview thank you notes and how to follow up to learn whether you got the job.

36. Video:Best Time Toll Follow-Up After Your First Job Interview” - Don Georgevich

In this presentation, the host says that one reason you may not be receiving job offers is because of a lack of action after the interview and offers ways to follow up with decision makers.

5 Top Skills Employers Want

Learn which skills employers are looking for today in new business graduates and others.

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