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Actionable education and inspiring insights

A student in a wheelchair examines library stacks.

Fostering accessibility and inclusiveness

In today's diverse and interconnected world, accessibility and inclusiveness are fundamental principles that should be at the forefront of every...
مسئولیت اجتماعی شرکت
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تأثیر فرهنگ سازمانی بر پایداری

تأثیر فرهنگ سازمانی بر پایداری

گفته شده است که فرهنگ برای صبحانه استراتژی می خورد. این جمله قدیمی بارها و بارها ثابت شده است. فرهنگ سازمانی دارای ...
مسئولیت اجتماعی شرکت
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Editor's choice

A curated list of articles selected by the editors.


Eight essential international business skills

Learn eight essential international business skills to prevent and handle costly mistakes that can occur in transnational business.
Professional Development
Global Business
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Group of business people in front of a window overlooking city

What is global leadership?

Learn about global leadership and the skills that future business leaders need to be successful global leaders, including developing a Global Mindset.
Global Business
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