Global Accounting: Managing by the Numbers (English)

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This Advanced program course covers the fundamentals of financial accounting and managerial accounting in a global environment. Financial accounting focuses on providing useful information to users for external decision-making. By understanding the structure and process of preparing a balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows, students learn how to interpret, analyze, and evaluate domestic and international companies. Managerial accounting focuses on providing useful information for internal decision-making. By identifying and understanding different types of cost information, students learn how to utilize and prepare cost-volume-profit analysis, relevant cost analysis, activity-based costing, and performance evaluation within global organizations.

* Individual modules of this course will be released on a rolling basis.



Содержание курса

  • Financial accounting
  • Managerial accounting
  • Public & Private Business Sectors
  • Отчеты о прибылях и убытках 
  • Балансовые отчеты
  • Statement of Cash Flow
  • Revenue Recognition and Assets
  • Liabilities and Ratios
  • Crypto & Blockchain

Кураторы факультетов

Lena Booth

Deputy Dean, Thunderbird Academic Enterprise and Finance Professor
Ювин Найду

Ювин Найду

Заслуженный профессор практики глобального учета, рисков и гибкости


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