I-Najafi 100 Million Learners Global Initiative
Transforming lives, empowering futures
The Najafi 100 Million Learners Global Initiative is more than an educational movement—it’s a revolution in access to world-class business and leadership education. With learners from every corner of the globe, we are breaking barriers, unlocking potential, and redefining what’s possible.
Since its launch in January 2022, the Initiative has empowered thousands of learners by providing educational content in more than 40 languages at no cost. Through this innovative approach, individuals who once lacked access to top-tier education are now equipped with the knowledge and skills to transform their lives, elevate their communities, and drive global progress.
The impact is undeniable: entrepreneurs launching businesses, professionals advancing their careers, and changemakers leading their societies toward a brighter future. Every learner is a catalyst for change, proving that education is the key to unlocking economic mobility and sustainable prosperity worldwide.
The program is for everyone, and is designed to benefit individual learners as well as organizations and corporations, including their constituents, stakeholders, and employees through three tailored pathways:
- Uhlelo Oluyisisekelo: Lufinyeleleka kubafundi banoma yisiphi isizinda semfundo, luhlinzeka ngamakhono nolwazi olubalulekile.
- Uhlelo Oluphakathi: Iklanyelwe labo abanemfundo yesikole samabanga aphezulu noma yeziqu, enikeza okuqukethwe okuthuthuke kakhulu.
- Uhlelo Oluthuthukile: Luqondiswe kubafundi bezinga leziqu abafuna ubungcweti obukhethekile nobujulile.
Take the next step in your future and join us.
Umshwana wokuzihlangula: I-Najafi 100 Million Learners Global Initiative inikeza izifundo ezihlukahlukene ezizihambelayo, eziku-inthanethi eziklanyelwe ukunikeza abafundi izinsiza zemfundo eziguquguqukayo, ezisezingeni eliphezulu ngaphandle kwezindleko. Sicela uqaphele ukuthi ngenkathi lezi zifundo zithuthukiswa futhi zicutshungulwa ochwepheshe abaphambili be-Thunderbird, azifundiswa ubuhlakani obuphilayo. Abafundi bangalindela ukusebenzelana nezinto ezirekhodwe ngaphambilini, okuqukethwe okusebenzisanayo, nokuhlola okuklanyelwe ukuthuthukisa ulwazi lwabo lokufunda ngokuzimela. Lolu hlelo luklanyelwe ukwamukela abafundi abavela emhlabeni wonke, lubanika amandla olwazi ngaphandle kwesidingo semfundo yesikhathi sangempela noma ukuxhumana okubukhoma nabafundisi.
The Foundational program is available in 40 languages. The Intermediate and Advanced programs are currently available in English.
Foundational course
Okwabafundi abananoma yiliphi izinga lemfundo.
The Foundational program is available in the following languages: Arabic, Bengali, Burmese, Czech, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Gujarati, Hausa, Hindi, Hungarian, Bahasa (Indonesia), Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Kazakh, Kinyarwanda, Korean, Malay, Mandarin Chinese (S), Mandarin Chinese (T), Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Yoruba, and Zulu.
Izifundo eziphakathi nendawo
For learners with high school or undergraduate education. The Intermediate program is currently available in English.
Izifundo ezithuthukile
Courses for learners with undergraduate or graduate education. The Advanced program is currently available in English.

Uma kuvunyiwe*, isitifiketi sezikweletu eziyi-15 singasetshenziswa ukuze sidluliselwe kwesinye isikhungo, senze iziqu e-ASU/Thunderbird, noma kwenye indawo. Abafundi abathatha noma yiziphi izifundo bangakhetha ukuphishekela amanye amathuba okufunda impilo yonke e-ASU/Thunderbird noma basebenzise imininingwane yabo yedijithali ukuze baphishekele amathuba amasha ochwepheshe.
- Isi-Arabhu
- Isi-Bengali
- IsiBurma
- IsiCzech
- IsiDashi
- IsiNgisi
- IsiFarsi
- IsiFulentshi
- IsiJalimane
- IsiGujarati
- IsiHausa
- IsiHindi
- IsiHungary
- Isi-Bahasa (Indonesia)
- IsiNtaliyane
- IsiJapane
- Isi-Javanese
- Isi-Kazakh
- IsiKinyarwanda
- IsiKorea
- Isi-Malay
- Isi-Mandarin Chinese (S)
- Isi-Mandarin Chinese (T)
- IsiPolish
- IsiPutukezi
- IsiPunjabi
- IsiRomania
- IsiRashiya
- IsiSlovak
- ISpanishi
- IsiSwahili
- IsiSwidi
- IsiTagalog
- IsiThai
- IsiTurkey
- Isi-Ukraine
- Isi-Urdu
- Isi-Uzbek
- Isi-Vietnamese
- IsiYoruba
- Zulu

Ukusebenzisana noFrancis kanye noDionne Najafi 100 Million Learners Global Initiative kunikeza izinhlangano ithuba eliyingqayizivele lokwenza umthelela wenguquko emfundweni yomhlaba. Ngokusebenzisana nathi, uzodlala indima ebalulekile ekufinyeleleni nasekunikezeni amandla izigidi zabafundi emhlabeni jikelele. Ubungcweti benhlangano yakho kanye nenethiwekhi kungasiza ekuqhubekiseni ushintsho oluphusile ezimakethe ezibalulekile, kuqinisekiswe ukuthi imfundo yekhwalithi ifinyeleleka kubo bonke. Ngokubambisana, singavala izikhala zemfundo, sikhuthaze ukuqamba okusha, futhi sakhe ikusasa eliqhakazile labafundi yonke indawo.
Sekela lolu hlelo
Isipho esiya kuFrancis noDionne Najafi 100 Million Learners Global Initiative sizokwenza abafundi emhlabeni wonke bathole imfundo yokuphatha esezingeni lomhlaba mahhala. Ukwesekwa kwakho kuzohlinzeka ngolwazi lokufunda kubafundi abangasebenzisa amakhono osomabhizinisi kanye nokuphatha ukulwa nobumpofu nokwenza ngcono izimo zokuphila emiphakathini yabo. Siyabonga ngokucabangela kwakho nokusekela kwakho.

Ukufinyelela abafundi abayizigidi eziyi-100 kuzodinga umzamo omkhulu womhlaba wonke wokuqwashisa. Ungasiza ngokusabalalisa igama ezinkundleni zokuxhumana.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
As you explore the program, you may have questions. Through this link, you'll find answers to common inquiries about program courses, ways to troubleshoot technical challenges, and additional details on the Initiative. Whether you are a learner, educator, or partner, we are here to guide you on this journey and help you make the most of this opportunity.