Prof. Allen J. Morrison, former Thunderbird CEO and director-general,and his coauthor Stewart Black, from INSEAD, have had their newest research,“The Rise and Demise of Chinese Global Firms”, accepted for publication in the prestigious Harvard Business Review. The magazine’s average acceptance rate for unsolicited articles is reported to be under 0.1%. 

Dr. Seigyoung Auh, associate dean of research, pointed out that Dr. Morrison’s work has been published and cited in in prestigious HBR before, but it is still an honor to have such a prominent platform for a timely topic. 

Dr. Morrison & Dr. Inkpen: JIBS Silver Medal

In other Thunderbird news, Dr. Morrison and Dr. Andrew C. Inkpen have been awarded the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) Silver Medal, a formal recognition of their intellectual contributions published in the journal. The JIBS awards are given to frequent authors with substantive contributions over the past 50 years.

Drs. Morrison and Inkpen will be honored on June 25, 2019, in Copenhagen, Denmark, at the Academy of International Business (AIB) annual conference.

“Professors Morrison and Inkpen have been awarded theJournal of International Business Studies (JIBS) Silver Medal for their body of work over decades.”– Click to tweet

“The JIBS Silver Medal has been awarded to a small number of IB scholars (105 to be exact),” Dr. Auh said. “Professors Morrison and Inkpen are among those scholars who have published at least 5 significant papers in JIBS during the journal’s first 50 years of its existence. 

“Book reviews, as well as other more minor contributions such as letters or short syntheses of papers in introductions to special issues were excluded,” Dr. Auh said. “This honor represents significant academic research. And these two individuals are being honored for their body of work.”

The Academy of International Business (AIB) is the leading association of scholars and specialists in the field of international business. Established in 1959, today, AIB has 3,472 members in over 80 different countries around the world.

The top-ranked journal in the field of international business, Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) is multidisciplinary in scope and interdisciplinary in content and methodology, publishing content from across the six sub-domains of international business studies

“The JIBS Silver Medal has been awarded to a small number of International Business scholars. And Thunderbird has two academics receiving the honor.”– Click to tweet

JIBS, the official publication of AIB, is ranked as a 4-star ‘world elite’ journal in the Association of Business Schools’ Academic Journal Guide and is used by the Financial Times to determine business school research rankings.

JIBS receives more than 700 submissions per year and has a 5% acceptance rate.

Allen J. Morrison: JIBS Silver Medal honoree

Dr. Allen J. Morrison is a Professor of Global Management and thought leader on global leadership. From 2014 to 2018, he served as the Chief Executive Officer and Director General of the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University (ASU). 

Before joining ASU in 2014, Dr. Morrison was a professor of global management and the holder of the Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Chair for Responsible Leadership and director of the Global CEO Center at IMD in Lausanne Switzerland. His work at IMD focused on the challenges CEOs face while leading their companies in the global economy. 

Professor Morrison has also taught on the faculty at INSEAD in Singapore, France and North America. He was also J. Armand Bombardier Chair of Global Management and Associate Dean-Executive Development at the Ivey School of Business in Canada. 

Professor Morrison has authored or co-authored over 60 articles and case studies, and eleven books including "Sunset in the Land of the Rising Sun," "Global Explorers: The Next Generation of Leaders, “Competition in Global Industries," and "International Management," currently in its 5th edition (Irwin McGraw-Hill). His research has been published in a range of journals including Harvard Business Review, Strategic Management Journal, Sloan Management Review, Journal of Management, and the Journal of International Business Studies.

Scholarly works by Dr. Morrison

Andrew C. Inkpen: JIBS Silver Medal honoree

Dr. Andrew C. Inkpen is professor of management and the J. Kenneth and Jeanette Seward Chair in Global Strategy at Thunderbird. His research focuses on global strategy, the management of multinational firms, and the management of strategic alliances and international joint ventures. In recent years he has been focused on the global energy industry.

Inkpen has published his research in various journals including Academy of Management Review, California Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Long Range Planning, Organizational Dynamics, Organization Science, Decision Sciences, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, and European Management Journal. He is actively involved in teaching case development and has written more than 40 cases. He is on the editorial boards of Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Organization Studies, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of International Management, Journal of Trust Research, and Management and Organization Review.

He teaches various courses including Competitive Strategy, Corporate Strategy, and the Global Energy Industry. He is actively involved in executive education programs and has been academic director on programs for various firms including ExxonMobil, RasGas, CEMEX, Ericsson, Teleflex, Volvo Penta, Brunswick, DENSO, and Cisco Systems.

Scholarly works by Dr. Inkpen