Compassion in business: why it matters and how to practice it

Mary Sully de Luque is a tenured full Professor of Management and ASU Senior Sustainability Scientist in the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University. She has published scores of articles, book chapters and academic-conference proceedings in the areas of global leadership, corporate social responsibility, organization-level management issues and cross-cultural management.
Her research interests include the micro and macro influences of culture in organizations, responsible leadership, organizational effectiveness, sustainability, CSR, stakeholder decision-making and feedback-seeking. Sully de Luque serves on the editorial boards of, and published research in, many of the top academic management journals. She teaches courses focusing on cross-cultural organizational behavior, global leadership, sustainability and corporate social responsibility, in undergraduate, graduate and executive programs at Thunderbird and other prestigious universities globally.
Consulting with numerous corporations, she has quantified innumerable leadership and management behaviors that filter through organizations, yielding results that may represent a broad mix of the positive and the negative outcomes. She notes that proper assessment is critical to understanding real company issues.
Before joining Thunderbird, Sully de Luque was a senior fellow at the University of Pennsylvanias renowned Wharton School, working on the very high-profile GLOBE project (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness). Based on ongoing GLOBE research, Sully de Luque coauthored the award-winning 2014 book Strategic Leadership Across Cultures that looks at CEO leadership in 24 countries. Throughout the book, the authors provide evidence that leadership matters, executive leadership matters greatly, and that societal cultures influence the type of leadership that is expected and effective, providing illustrative examples of findings.
Sully de Luque has kindled strong expertise in conducting research and creating business in developing countries, especially in Latin America and the Middle East. She is academic director of many Thunderbird entrepreneurship programs designed for women in developing and emerging economies. Sully de Luque has also served as faculty member for the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Project in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Peru.
She earned her doctorate in organizational behavior and international management from the University of Nebraskas College of Business Administration and her bachelor's degree in organizational communication from Creighton University. Prior to finishing her formal education, she worked as an aide for two United States Senators.