Journals & Case Series
Dive deeper into Thunderbird insights

Thunderbird International Business Review
Thunderbird is the editorial home to the Thunderbird International Business Review (TIBR), a practitioner business journal featuring the latest in research and thought leadership on global business practices. Published six times a year, TIBR aims to be the most trusted source of practical and innovative ideas for global business managers.
Thunderbird Case Series
Developed by Thunderbird faculty based on extensive experience in current global business scenarios, these thought-provoking cases illustrate real-world global management issues. They are used in Thunderbird degree programs and executive education environments to initiate deep analysis and professor/student discussion of causes and solutions.

Integrating Compassion into the Financial Services Industry e-book
This free e-book, with a novel approach, documents the importance and value of compassion in a business setting (for both corporate culture and client relations) to achieve optimal organizational purpose.